I was going through some files on my computer when I came across this one. I think my daughter downloaded it (so if it is yours, let me know so I can give you credit) around Christmas. There's something about reading (or saying) the word shine that makes me smile, makes me feel radiant. Try it. Go ahead and say shine. You're smiling now, aren't you. See, I told you.
I've been missing around these parts for a few months now due in large part to a little think I call following my bliss. I've sunk all my effort and energy lately into getting my little studio up and running.

And I love it. I am proud and happy and blissful and shiny every time I think about this little corner of my universe. Most of all, I LOVE turning others on to my passion, what keeps me going. And when a client (or friend--most of my clients are also my friends) has that a-ha moment when they "get it," when they notice a change in their physique, when they become more aware of their posture, when the find themselves pulling in their navel and elongating their neck sporadically throughout the day because of what they've learned in my classes--man, that's just the best!
And while all that seems like the best part of what I do, I haven't mentioned the other little perks that have come from devoting my energy to Mix Method for the last three months. Here's the short list:
- Taken 1/4 inch off each arm
- Taken 1/2 inch off each thigh
- Lost 4 pounds (not that I was trying--this one was a surprise)
- Increased muscle tone
- Plantar Fasciitis is gone!!!
The true beauty of Pilates and yoga (the two largest components of Mix Method) is how effective they are for injury prevention. Mix Method just helps me be me--better.
Now I sound like a commercial, and that's not what I intended. I guess I'm just a little excited about this new venture.
Interested in finding out what I'm talking about? You can check out Barre3--not Mix Method, but sorta the same idea.